Special Education and Services » Special Education and Services

Special Education and Services

Rice CISD and El Campo ISD -Special Education and Services Cooperative

2620 Meadow Lane
El Campo, TX 77437
(979) 543-9051 (phone)
(979) 541-5283 (fax)


*Offices of the Special Ed Coop are currently closed, refer to the Special Ed page of El Campo ISD for further information and resources or contact one of the staff by email.

Special Education at Home Resources

Cameras in the Classroom

If you have questions regarding SB 507, and the Cameras in the Classroom Law and the implementation of it in the El Campo-Rice Special Education Cooperative,

Please contact the Special Education Office to discuss required steps in the process.


Name & Email Position
Amanda Andersen Director
Rachel Dluhos Special Education Coordinator
Stacy Amestoy Elementary Diagnostician
Stephanie Cortez Secondary Diagnostician
Susan Stockton Special Education Counselor
Patricia Babcock
ARD Facilitator

If you are not using a default email editor, use the first letter and last name of the person you're trying to email @ ricecisd.org (example: [email protected] for John Smith), otherwise click on a name.

Texas Transition and Employment Guide
TEA Resources in Special Education in Texas
Required Postings

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The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.


Contact information:


Phone: 1-855-773-3839


Email: [email protected]


Live Chat: www.spedtex.org